Nga Xhami te Mobiliet e Gjelbra: Pionierët e Ekonomisë Rrethore në Kosovë
Dugagjin Berisha, një pronar kompanie ndërtimi dhe entuziast i mjedisit, rregullisht organizon pastrime në lagje gjatë kohës së tij të lirë, duke shpresuar t'u mësojë fëmijëve të zonës vlerën e riciklimit dhe parandalimit të ndotjes.…
(read more)What are the benefits of e-waste Recycling? (sq)
Introduction: The electrical and electronic equipment and its parts that are nearing their end-of-life stage, and get discarded or donated by the owner are termed e-waste. Handling e-waste is a rapidly growing concern as it…
(read more)5 Ways to Educate the Importance of Recycling (sq)
Recycling is so simple to do that everyone can do it. However, many people resist the practice. This is often because they either believe it’s much harder than it is, or that the items they…
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