EIT Food Start-up Awareness Events za razvoj tehnologije i preduzetništva u poljoprivredno-prehrambenoj industriji
NVO Green Home u saradnji sa EIT Food-om realizuje „EIT Food Startup Awareness Event“, koji će se održati u dva dijela: EIT Food Challenge Lab, koji je višestepeni program osmišljen korišćenjem principa iz dizajnerskog razmišljanja…
(read more)Javni poziv za “Sakupljanje električnog i elektronskog otpada iz domaćinstva”
📢 Javni poziv zainteresovanim privrednim društvima čija je djelatnost sakupljanje i transport električnog i elektronskog otpada za kvalifikovanje i učešće u sprovođenju projekta "Sakupljanje električnog i elektronskog otpada iz domaćinstva" ✅️ Predmet poziva: Kvalifikacija privrednih…
(read more)Od 20. oktobra zabrana upotrebe plastičnih kesa
Pored zabrane kesa od 15 do 50 mikrona, imamo i zabrane nekih plastičnih proizvoda za jednokratnu upotrebu. Tu su, prije svega, štapići za uši, osim onih koji se koriste u medicinske svrhe – za uzimanje…
(read more)Od Stakla do Zelene Namještaje: Pioniri Krugovne Ekonomije na Kosovu.
Dugagjin Berisha, vlasnik građevinske firme i entuzijasta za zaštitu okoliša, redovno organizuje čišćenje naselja u svoje slobodno vrijeme, nadajući se da će naučiti lokalnu djecu vrijednosti reciklaže i sprečavanja zagađenja. Ali dok je sortirao svakodnevni…
(read more)Municipal waste management in WesternBalkan countries — MONTENEGRO 2021 (me)
Executive summaryThe total amount of municipal waste generated in Montenegro was 339 000 tonnes in 2019.Despite a stagnating population, the amount of waste per capita has increased by 8 % over thepast 5 years to…
(read more)What are the benefits of e-waste Recycling? (me)
Introduction: The electrical and electronic equipment and its parts that are nearing their end-of-life stage, and get discarded or donated by the owner are termed e-waste. Handling e-waste is a rapidly growing concern as it…
(read more)Circular Economy: What is it, Why do we it and trends? (me)
In simple terms, a circular economy is a system that is designed with the aim of eliminating waste and the continuous usage of finite resources. It relies on the basic principles of reuse, sharing, recycling,…
(read more)What Is Global Warming? (me)
While it may seem that global warming has only recently received attention, it’s been a topic of debate for centuries. According to the American Institute of Physics, ancient Greeks as early as 1200 BCE argued whether…
(read more)Interesting Facts about Recycling (me)
Aluminum More aluminum goes into beverage cans than any other product. During the time it takes you to read this sentence, 50,000 12-ounce cans are made. 350,000 aluminum cans are produced every minute. There is…
(read more)5 Ways to Educate the Importance of Recycling (me)
Recycling is so simple to do that everyone can do it. However, many people resist the practice. This is often because they either believe it’s much harder than it is, or that the items they…
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