Permits for waste management

The Law on Waste Management (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 064/11 dated 29.12.2011, 039/16 dated 29.06.2016) regulates the types and classification of waste, planning, conditions and methods of waste management and other issues of importance for waste management. Waste management is the prevention of generation, reduction of waste quantities or waste reuse and collection, transport, processing and disposal of waste, supervision of these procedures and subsequent maintenance of landfills, including the activities of waste dealers and brokers.

Waste management is carried out in a way that does not create a negative impact on the environment and human health, especially: on water, air, land, plants and animals; in terms of noise and smell; to areas of special interest (protected natural and cultural assets).

Waste management is based on the following principles:

1) sustainable development, which ensures more efficient use of resources, reduction of the amount of waste and handling of waste in a way that contributes to the achievement of the goals of sustainable development;

2) proximity and regional waste management, in order to process waste as close as possible to the place of generation in accordance with the economic justification of the choice of location, while regional waste management is ensured by the development and application of regional strategic plans based on national policy;

3) precautionary measures, i.e. preventive action, by taking measures to prevent negative impacts on the environment and human health, even in the absence of scientific and expert data;

4) “polluter pays”, according to which the waste producer bears the costs of waste management and preventive actions and the costs of remedial measures due to negative impacts on the environment and human health;

5) hierarchy, which ensures respect for the order of priorities in waste management, namely: prevention, preparation for reuse, recycling and other processing methods (use of energy) and waste disposal.

On the basis of the Waste Management Act, the Nature and Environmental Protection Agency issues permits for:

Processing and/or disposal of waste;

– Import, export and transit of waste;

– Registration in the register for waste collection and transport;

– Registration of traders and intermediaries;

– Giving consent to the waste management plan of the waste producer;

– Registration of activities for importing special types of waste and placing them on the market;

– Registration in the register of producers and importers of products of special types of waste;

– Fulfillment of the requirements for registration in the register of organized waste collection, collection and processing systems;

– Issuing consent to the rehabilitation plan of temporary waste disposal sites.

Permit for processing and/or waste disposal

Documentation to be submitted to the Agency:

An application for the issuance of a permit containing:

1) information about the applicant (name and address, or name and headquarters);

1a) data on the identification of the plant, that is, the facility for processing and/or waste removal (cadastral and urban plot number);

2) data on the processing and/or disposal procedure and the location where the waste will be processed;

3) type of waste, in accordance with the waste catalog and waste characteristics;

4) planned annual quantities (masses) of certain types of waste;

5) method of waste transportation;

6) planned period for processing and/or waste disposal.

The following documentation shall be submitted with the application for the issuance of a permit:

1) proof of the applicant’s registration in the Central Registry of Business Entities (hereinafter: CRPS);

1a) use permit for plants, that is, facilities for processing and/or disposal of waste issued in accordance with the law governing the construction of facilities;

2) a detailed description of the work process, which in particular contains:

– location description and identification of risk sources (waste management method, types of waste);

– equipment of the location of the plant, that is, the landfill in terms of pollution prevention and control;

– technological procedure and equipment of the plant, that is, the landfill.

3) about the location (real estate certificate or lease agreement and copies of previously obtained permits);

4) monitoring program and method of reporting on: waste composition, gas emissions, waste water quality, groundwater quality, surface water quality, suspended particles, noise, unpleasant odors, the number and reduction of pests and birds, and waste distribution;

5) a plan for protection and rescue in the event of an accident and a certified report on fire protection in accordance with the law;

6) proposal of a plan for the closure and maintenance of the landfill or facility after closure;

7) insurance policy in case of accident or damage caused to third parties or their belongings, in accordance with the law;

8) other documents at the request of the Agency.

The Agency obtains the immovable property certificate and evidence from paragraph 3 points 1a and 3 of this article ex officio.

The insurance policy from paragraph 3 item 7 of this article is submitted annually to the Agency.

Documentation to be submitted to the Agency:

An application for the issuance of a permit containing:

1) information about the applicant (name and address, or name and headquarters);

1a) data on the identification of the plant, that is, the facility for processing and/or waste removal (cadastral and urban plot number);

2) data on the processing and/or disposal procedure and the location where the waste will be processed;

3) type of waste, in accordance with the waste catalog and waste characteristics;

4) planned annual quantities (masses) of certain types of waste;

5) method of waste transportation;

6) planned period for processing and/or waste disposal.

The following documentation shall be submitted with the application for the issuance of a permit:

1) proof of the applicant’s registration in the Central Registry of Business Entities (hereinafter: CRPS);

1a) use permit for plants, that is, facilities for processing and/or disposal of waste issued in accordance with the law governing the construction of facilities;

2) a detailed description of the work process, which in particular contains:

– location description and identification of risk sources (waste management method, types of waste);

– equipment of the location of the plant, that is, the landfill in terms of pollution prevention and control;

– technological procedure and equipment of the plant, that is, the landfill.

3) about the location (real estate certificate or lease agreement and copies of previously obtained permits);

4) monitoring program and method of reporting on: waste composition, gas emissions, waste water quality, groundwater quality, surface water quality, suspended particles, noise, unpleasant odors, the number and reduction of pests and birds, and waste distribution;

5) a plan for protection and rescue in the event of an accident and a certified report on fire protection in accordance with the law;

6) proposal of a plan for the closure and maintenance of the landfill or facility after closure;

7) insurance policy in case of accident or damage caused to third parties or their belongings, in accordance with the law;

8) other documents at the request of the Agency.

The Agency obtains the immovable property certificate and evidence from paragraph 3 points 1a and 3 of this article ex officio.

The insurance policy from paragraph 3 item 7 of this article is submitted annually to the Agency.

The method of calculating the amount of insurance from paragraph 3 item 7 of this article is determined by the Ministry, with the consent of the state administration body responsible for financial affairs.

The detailed content of the description of the work process from paragraph 3 item 2 of this article is determined by the Ministry.

Administrative fee: €2

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72

Validity period: up to 5 years

Issuing permits for import, export and transit of waste

1. Import of non-hazardous waste

Documentation to be submitted to the Agency:

Along with the application for issuing a permit for the import of non-hazardous waste, the importer shall attach:

1) documentation on labels and types of waste from the list of non-hazardous waste;

2) contract between exporter and importer of waste, valid until the end of delivery of waste and with financial guarantees or an insurance policy or other form of insurance in case of return of waste to the country of export;

3) the contract between the importer and the waste processor, if the importer is not a waste processor at the same time;

4) proof that the importer of waste is registered to carry out import activities;

5) data on the method of transportation and delivery of waste (at once or in several shipments);

6) data on the border crossing at which the import will take place, the expected time of delivery of waste to the border crossing and the route of movement of waste from the border crossing to the customs office and further to the processor;

7) proof of payment of the administrative fee of 5e to the giro account: 832-31614120-72.

The import of non-hazardous waste for disposal and use as fuel or in another way for energy production is prohibited.

2. Transit of non-hazardous waste

Documentation to be submitted to the Agency:

The application for the issuance of a permit for the transit of non-hazardous waste shall be accompanied by:

documentation on labels and types of waste from the list of non-hazardous waste;

border crossings of entry and exit from Montenegro and the route of movement through Montenegro;

certified form of notification of the country of export.

Administrative fee: €2

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72

3. Export of non-hazardous waste

The export of non-hazardous waste can be carried out by a company or an entrepreneur who is registered in the register of exporters of non-hazardous waste

Permits for the export and transit of hazardous waste

Documentation to be submitted to the Agency:

Along with the application for the issuance of a permit for the export or transit of hazardous waste, the exporter or intermediary shall attach:

1) notification on cross-border movement of waste;

2) document on cross-border movement of waste;

3) contract between exporter and importer of waste, valid until the end of delivery of waste and with financial guarantees, insurance policy or other form of insurance in case of return of waste to the country of export;

4) statement of the waste exporter on the type, quantity, composition and technological process from which the waste is generated, as well as on the reasons for the export;

5) proof that the exporter and transporter of waste are registered to perform activities;

6) data on the method of transportation and delivery of waste (at once or in several shipments);

7) data on the border crossing for export, the expected time of delivery to the border crossing and the route of movement of waste from the beginning of export, through the border crossing to the processor;

8) proof of paid administrative fee.

Administrative fee: €2

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72

Annex 1 – Notice on the transboundary movement of waste (.doc)

Additional information, especially those related to the labeling of waste (field 14), i.e. to the labels from Annexes VIII and IX of the Basel Convention, OECD labels and Y-labels, can be found in the Advice/Instructions that can be obtained from the OECD and in to the Secretariat of the Basel Convention.

Validity: up to 1 year

Registration in the register of waste collectors or transporters

A company or an entrepreneur is registered in the register of waste collectors or transporters based on a request.

In particular, the request contains:

information about the applicant (name and address, or name and headquarters);

specification of the types of waste to be collected or transported, including the characteristics of the waste;

the territory where waste will be collected or transported;

location and method of waste storage;

method and type of transport (evidence of ownership or lease of at least 2 waste transport vehicles);

technical and organizational capacities (containers for collecting waste, means for handling waste, electronic scales and electronic equipment for issuing invoices, equipment for washing vehicles, temporary storage);

conditions regarding the number of employees.

extract from crps;

real estate deed or real estate lease agreement;

an insurance policy for accidents or damage caused to third parties or their belongings, which is submitted to the Agency annually;

consent of the local self-government unit on whose territory the collection will be carried out, that is, through whose territory the waste will be transported;

the need for an environmental impact assessment for activities in the facility.

Administrative fee: €2

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72.

Registration in the register of waste dealers and brokers

A company or entrepreneur is registered in the register of waste dealers and brokers, who take physical possession of the waste on the basis of the following documentation:

Request containing: name of the company, address, registration number, activity code, name and surname of the responsible person, area of ​​procurement and sales, location and method of waste storage, possession of devices and equipment for communication and issuing invoices, possession of the Internet with a printer, possession of containers for waste collection, traffic for a vehicle for transporting waste, describe the electronic scale;

Temporary storage (property certificate or real estate lease agreement) and means for handling waste in temporary storage.

Staff conditions,

Extract from CRPS of Montenegro,

Insurance policy for accidents or damage caused to third parties or their belongings,

The need for an environmental impact assessment for business premises in which the activity of temporary waste storage is carried out.

and other documents at the request of the Agency.

Administrative fee: €2

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72.

* A company or entrepreneur is registered in the register of waste dealers and brokers who do not take physical possession of waste on the basis of the following documentation:

A request that contains: name of the company, address, registration number, activity code, name and surname of the responsible person, procurement and sales area, possession of devices and equipment for communication and issuing invoices, possession of the Internet with a printer;

Extract from CRPS of Montenegro;

staffing conditions;

Insurance policy for accidents or damage caused to third parties or their belongings.

Administrative fee: €2

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72.

Consent to the waste management plan of the waste producer (hazardous and non-hazardous waste)

Documentation to be submitted to the Agency:


Waste management plan (two copies, printed version);

Extract from CRPS;

Contract with the authorized company to which the waste is delivered;

Proof of paid administrative fee of 2 euros.

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72.

Consent to the construction waste management plan

Documentation to be submitted to the Agency:

Construction waste management plan;


Extract from CRPS;

Temporary storage;

Contract with the company to which construction waste is handed over. The company to which the waste is handed over should have a permit for the processing of construction waste.

Consent gives:

The Agency, if the building permit is issued by the competent administrative body.

The local administration body, if the building permit is issued by the competent local administration body.

Proof of paid administrative fee of 2 euros.

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72.

Registration of activities for importing special types of waste and placing them on the market

It is necessary to fill out two copies of form P  (jedan za Poresku službu).

Registration in the register of exporters of non-hazardous waste

 A company or entrepreneur is registered in the register of exporters of non-hazardous waste, based on:

A request that contains the following information: Name of the company, that is, the entrepreneur – exporter of non-hazardous waste, headquarters-address (town, street and house number), activity code, registration number, first and last name and contact of the responsible person in the company, telephone, email and method of generation of non-hazardous waste (producer, collector, processor, dealer), method of storage before its export;

Extract from CRPS;

Proof of paid administrative fee;

and other documents at the request of the Agency.

Administrative fee: €2

Account number to which payment is made: 832-31614120-72.

Legislation in the field of waste management

Law on Waste Management link

Law on Ratification of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal “Official Gazette of the FRY – International Treaties” No. 2/99)


1. Decree on the detailed conditions that must be met by substances or objects resulting from the production process for secondary products (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 30/15, dated 12.6.2015)

2. Decree on the manner and conditions of waste storage (“Official Gazette of Montenegro 33/13, dated 11.7.2013 and 65/15, dated 20.11.2015)

3. Regulation on detailed criteria, amount and method of payment of the special fee for waste management (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 39/12 of 23.07.2012)

4. Decree on the manner and procedure of establishing a system for taking over, collecting and processing waste from electrical and electronic products and the operation of that system (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 24/12 dated 04.05.2012)

5. Decree on the manner and procedure of establishing a system for taking over, collecting and processing waste batteries and accumulators and the operation of that system (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 39/12 of 23.07.2012, 47/12 of 07.09.2012)

6. Regulation on the manner and procedure of establishing a system for taking over, collecting and processing waste vehicles and the operation of that system (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 28/12 of 05.06.2012)

7. Decree on the manner and procedure of establishing a system for taking over, collecting and processing waste tires and the operation of that system (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 39/12 of 23 July 2012)

8. Regulation on the manner and procedure of establishing a system for taking over, collecting and processing waste packaging and the operation of that system (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 42/12 of 31.07.2012)


Rulebook on limit values ​​for the presence of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products

Rulebook on the methodology for determining the composition and quantity of municipal waste in the territory of the local self-government unit

Rulebook on the method of calculation and payment of fees for temporary storage of municipal and non-hazardous construction waste

Rulebook on waste classification and waste catalog (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 059/13 dated 26.12.2013, 083/16 dated 31.12.2016)

Rulebook on the detailed content of the documentation that is submitted with the application for the issuance of a permit for the import, export and transit of waste, the list of waste classification and the content and method of keeping the register of issued permits (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 083/16 and 76/17)

Rulebook on the content of requests and documentation for the issuance of a permit for the processing and/or disposal of mining waste (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 78/16, dated 16.12.2016)

Rulebook on the method of calculating minimum insurance sums in case of damage caused to third parties or their belongings (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 40/15, dated 24 July 2015)

Rulebook on methods of testing hazardous properties of waste and further conditions to be met by an accredited laboratory for testing hazardous properties of waste (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 21/2014 dated 05/06/2014)

Rulebook on conditions for processing biowaste and criteria for determining the quality of products of organic recycling from biowaste (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 59/13 of 26.12.2013)

Rulebook on the collection and delivery of scrap vehicles whose owner is unknown (Published in the “Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 27/13 of June 11, 2013)

Rulebook on maintaining the register of issued permits for processing and/or waste disposal, the register of collectors, transporters, traders and waste intermediaries (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 47/13 of 08.10.2013)

Rulebook on detailed conditions for registration in the register of intermediaries and waste dealers (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 46/13 of 2 October 2013 and 21/2014 of 6 May 2014)

Rulebook on incineration or co-incineration of waste (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 33/13, dated July 11, 2013)

Ordinance on specific characteristics of the location, construction conditions, sanitary and technical conditions, operation and closure of landfills (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 31/13 of 07/05/2013 and 25/16 of 04/15/2016)

Rulebook on the manner and content of applications for registration in the register of exporters of non-hazardous waste (Published in the “Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 27/13 of June 11, 2013)

Rulebook on the conditions to be met by a business company, i.e. an entrepreneur for collection and transport (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 16/13 dated 29.03.2013)

Rulebook on the method of packaging and disposal of waste containing asbestos (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, number 11/13)

Rulebook on the detailed content and method of drawing up the waste management plan of waste producers (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 05/13 of 01.23.2013)

Rulebook on handling waste oils (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 48/12 of 14 September 2012)

Rulebook on handling equipment and waste containing pcb (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 48/12 of 14.09.2012)

Rulebook on conditions, method and procedure of medical waste processing (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 49/12 of 21.09.2012)

Rulebook on the handling of construction waste, the method and procedure of processing construction waste, the conditions and method of disposal of cement asbestos construction waste (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 50/12 of 01.10.2012)

Rulebook on the manner of keeping waste records and the content of waste transport forms (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 50/12 of 01.10.2012)

Rulebook on the detailed content and method of submitting annual reports on the implementation of waste management plans (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 53/12 of 24 October 2012)

Rulebook on the conditions to be met by a business company or an entrepreneur for the processing and/or disposal of waste (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 53/12 dated 24.10.2012)

Rulebook on the specific conditions that municipal sewage sludge must meet, quantities, volume, frequency and methods of analysis of municipal sewage sludge for permitted uses and conditions that land planned for its use must meet (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 89/ 09 from 31.12.2009)

SOURCE: Environmental Protection Agency, IV Proleterske 19, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
