• One of the examples of good practice that we encountered during the implementation of the Project is the 3D room. Home – 3D Soba

From 3D ROOM they say: “Touch your ideas with us!” Our vision is to be the leading innovators in the field of technology and ecology in Montenegro and the region. We aspire to be synonymous with excellent 3D printing and exceptional wood products such as luxury wooden chess sets “Chessart” and wooden toys for children “Montitoys”. Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, we want to be synonymous with a company that has conceived and carried out the most effective environmental projects in the country and the region”. Their story started in 2009 with the establishment of the company “Fin-ing”, when they entered then still undeveloped market of computers and IT technology in Montenegro, with the desire to contribute to its development. After operating in the sphere of computer wholesale and maintenance of computer systems, laying the foundations for further development of the company, in 2018, they introduced 3D printing technology in Montenegro, becoming the first in Montenegro with that practice. In addition to 3D printing, they develop various types of green projects and the most recent and most important of which is the “Eco board” project. It is about a project of recycling plastic waste in such a way that they produce planks, posts and boards from it, which are used to make eco-benches, waste bins, planters, tables, sideboards… The aim, according to the 3D room, is to make as many products as possible from natural wood boards made from recycled plastic, in order to save forests and recycle plastic waste, and make products from it that are significantly more durable, less maintenance-intensive, more resistant and more economically profitable than wood products.

Visit their site to learn about the ideas they put into action! Pocetna – Eko daska


NGO “Zeleni talas” is a non-governmental organization with the mission of creating a more sustainable and environmentally aware Montenegro through the establishment of an efficient waste collection system in order to reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment. This NGO says that two programs of education and activation are active within the NGO “Zeleni talas”.

Zeleni Talas – Početna is a website where you can learn more about the achievements of this NGO and their actions.

Namely, in their work so far, they have several actions that have earned the attention of both the public and the media, and they are certainly taking a significant step towards raising awareness of the importance of a responsible attitude towards the environment. They regularly inform the public about their actions through their website and social networks, thereby spreading the image of the importance of citizens’ participation in each of them, which contributes to the spread of the movement in Montenegro. Our mission is to create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious Montenegro through the establishment of an efficient waste collection system in order to reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment. Two education and activation programs are active within the Green Wave.

  • “We are changing the way we treat waste in Montenegro!” they say from the NGO “Zero Waste”, which you can learn more about on the website https://zerowastemontenegro.me/mn


This NGO says: “Zero Waste simply refers to reducing the waste we produce, reusing and recycling what we cannot reuse or recycle and composting organic waste.” This makes our economy circular and creates a more sustainable lifestyle modeled after nature. The circular economy leads to the highest achieved value of products and services by making them to last and not to become waste, which is the opposite of the current linear economy based on the principle of “make, use, throw away”.

  • One of the examples of good practice through association is the network of organizations and civil movements dedicated to preventing new plastic pollution and cleaning existing waste throughout Montenegro called “Clean up Montenegro” CLEANUP MONTENEGRO – Clean Up Montenegro which was founded by the NGO “Zero Waste” back in 2017. year, It is about an informal network of non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations. The primary goal of the network is to engage civil society in order to mitigate waste pollution and suppress waste generation throughout Montenegro. With more than 40 members currently, the network continues to expand and welcome new members.They regularly inform the public about their actions via social networks!